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Catholic Theology in essence is a body of knowledge and beliefs on which the Catholic faith is founded. The terms "Catholicism" and "Catholic theology" always point to the Roman Catholic Church holistically. However, there are other denominations such as the Eastern Orthodox, Greek, Coptic Catholic churches etc., ... but hold some divergent theological beliefs.

The theology of the Roman Catholic Church is primarily based on a fusion of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. The Magisterium, which is the Pope and the bishops which serves as the teaching body of the Church, is responsible for interpreting and teaching tradition and scripture and is largely responsible for defining theological matters.

One vital part of Catholic theology is a body of tradition known as Sacred Tradition. It, just like the Bible, is considered to an extent to be divinely inspired, particularly because many aspects of it are believed to come from Jesus Christ. Sacred Tradition includes practices and beliefs that are important elements of the Catholic Church but that are not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. The supremacy of the pope, for instance, is not clearly explained in the Bible but, through Sacred Tradition, papal supremacy is an important aspect of Catholic theology.

Catholic theology is very expansive, minute and yet beautiful. One such belief is in the Trinity. As in other Christian denominations, Catholicism places great emphasis on the idea that salvation from sin can only be achieved through Jesus Christ, the Son. Following Jesus leads to immortal life and heaven, while freely and willingly rejecting the love of God leads to eternal punishment in hell. Catholic theology does not hold with the Calvinist idea that only a select few are predestined to go to heaven for example.

In our program here at the Family of Faith (FoF) we are educating early young learners to adults, amidst our blended programs through virtual and Instructor-led sessions on a well-structured and intelligently designed curriculum of Theology. Remember that - "Accidental (Invincible) ignorance of Christian knowledge and beliefs is excusable. But wilful ignorance and rejection of this knowledge and beliefs is not.”

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