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Be inspired, moved, fired and challenged by the stories of so many who have either made the journey to the Catholic Church for the first time or those that have reconverted after living a life of lukewarmness.

We bring you real stories of such courage and hope in these troubling times. If you feel inspired and desire to share with the world your story or of someone you know, then just send it to us (along with a high clarity photo if you prefer), and we will publish it on the site. (if you prefer to be anonymous, we respect that too.)


I was born a Catholic and married into a Catholic family but I, along with my family, left the Catholic Church in 2010. Many incidents led me to move out. My in laws had already moved. I was working for the CFCA aiding and helping poor children and the ageing, of both Christian and non-Christian backgrounds. I felt I was not recognized by my church for the good work I was doing. It was during this low time I was welcomed by the AGs church. We moved there.

My side of the family has always been very Catholic and invariably I was invited for all the ceremonies in the church like Baptism, First Holy Communion, weddings, etc. I slowly realised that what was preached in the Catholic church had depth. During this time a good friend and guide asked me to attend an Apologetics program conducted by Fr Vincent Barboza at Bombay. I did and came back totally renewed and with a great zeal to talk to everyone I knew who left the faith, starting with my in-laws. In 2017 I went again to Mumbai for another program by Fr Vincent Barboza on Evangelization. After this program I was doubly burning with fire to get everyone who had strayed. My in-laws made a good confession and received Holy communion after three decades. They died in peace as good Catholics, my mission has continued and I speak to as many who have strayed be it family or friend.

I Ms Judaline Sherratt , am proud to say I am a Catholic very strong in the faith today.

Please share your own testimony and we will share it with the world. Join us and be an instrument in helping to find the lost sheep and guide them back into the one true Catholic Church established by Jesus.

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