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This is the Family of Faith Curriculum to be integrated into all parishes, Catholic schools and other Catholic institutions to ensure that there is an absolute high standard of (FAST) Faith Building, Apologetics training, Spiritual Development, Theology grounding and a thorough understanding of this Deposit of Faith in a unified and conformed manner as given to us by the Magisterium of the Church. We are all called to adhere to this decree, learn it and practice it daily without an iota of doubt and with full conviction.

Our Program is fully and deeply founded in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, The Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the Liturgy of the Catholic Church. The religious values of contemplation, enjoyment of God and personal relationship are fostered in a well-prepared learning environment. The learners gradually move up the levels and not only acquire successful completion certifications through these levels, but also develop the much-needed fiery Catholic faith to grow spiritually deeper and higher, gain wisdom to grow wider and wiser, and to obtain the knowledge to understand and savour these gifts given by the Catholic church towards their spiritual richness as we all transition from the Militant church to The Triumphant one in heaven, our final Home.

Click the below Courses to know more about it

FAST Foundation Level I: (upto 12 years)

FAST Foundation Level I: (Adults Program)

FAST Certificate Level II: (Upto 15 years)

FAST Certificate Level II: (Adults Program)

FAST Diploma Level III: (Upto 21 years)

FAST Diploma Level III: (Adults Program)

FAST Advanced Diploma Level IV: (Adult Advance Program)