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Thank you for visiting our page and perhaps using our resources. Let us light the lamp that will guide the lost sheep back into the Catholic fold. Be the commissioned disciple that Jesus mandated us to be in Matthew 28:19-20, when He said:

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Join us and support us by your prayers, deeds and gifts.

If you are inspired by how FoF is committed to build the Catholic community here and elsewhere, including sharing the Wholeness of the Truth of Christ--His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church widely, amongst our Non-Catholic brethren through our lay Apostolate, then please consider supporting us through a weekly/monthly/annually contribution by scanning the QR code below or sending us a cheque directly to the address at the bottom of the page in favour of 'Family of Faith'. We survive and work through the generosity and kindfulness of benefactors like you. Even the tiniest contribution goes a long way. Please Support our Apostolate.

In advance, we are deeply grateful.

Those that wish to support us from countries outside India kindly call us at +91-9440089828 or Send an E-Mail to and we will guide you the correct process on how to do so.

Our Bank Details

Family of Faith Foundation Hyderabad
South Indian Bank
Secunderabad Branch
Account number: 0128053000010147
IFSC - SIBL0000246
MICR - 500059003

Method to make Payment

1. Download the QR Code
2. Open Paytm/GPay/UPI etc payment app
3. Select 'scan from gallery'.
Automatically the QR Scanner will detect and process.
Now you can make payment with ease.