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But Really, Why Faith Matters…

In the letter to the Hebrews, St. Paul called faith "the assurance of what we hope for, and the conviction of things not seen."  In other words, faith helps us understand the things we cannot know for sure, and the things we can only hope are true. 

So why is this important?  Because, despite everything we know, there are still many mysteries we can't fully explain.  Even when human reason, knowledge, and experience can answer questions about how things are, we are often left with more fundamental questions about why they are the way they are.

Without a faith tradition, we leave our children no reasonable and hopeful way to understand the important mysteries of life. Without faith, the most basic human question -- why? -- goes unanswered, leaving our children open to many demonstrably false and destructive ideas from elsewhere which often pose as irrefutable facts and which are detrimental to their CATHOLIC FAITH. That could be disastrous, as Jesus cautioned us too in Luke 18:8, “I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them. And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

Therefore, FoF here endeavours for a partnership between parents and the faith community from the early years on. We provide a uniform, Magisterium-conformed and high standard of Faith building and sustaining religious education to our children in the parishes, including Catholic schools, for children not enrolled in Catholic schools/higher education institutions, youth ministry programs, even seminaries and novitiates.

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